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Entrant 2023

Arkalyk Medical College provides training of medical personnel on a budgetary basis

Specialty: "Medical business"
Qualification: "Paramedic"
Form of study: full-time
Language of instruction: State and Russian
Duration of study: on the basis of the 9th grade – 3 years 10 months – 50 places state order.
on the basis of the 11th grade – 2 years 10 months – 25 places state order

Specialization: "Nursing"
Qualification "General practice Nurse".
Language of instruction: State and Russian.
Form of study: full-time
Duration of training: on the basis of 11 classes - 2 years 10 months - 25 places state order

Phone number of the admissions committee: 8(71430)7-21-52,7-23-02.

For information, contact the college at: 110300 г.Аркалык Ш.Жанибека 64.


State order


On a commercial basis


Employed (%)