On September 22, Arkalyk Medical College organized a thematic exhibition with the participation of 1st-year students on the theme “The one whose language is rich” for the Day of Languages in the library.

Goal: to instill in students a love for the country, nation, language, to teach them to understand the language as a national heritage, to preserve the language culture, to instill the dignity of the language.

Visibility: touching words, portrait of the poet and writer, book corner, slides, interesting questions.


“Language is the language of the human soul, and language is what a person has,” Magzhan Zhumabayev said. Language is an inexhaustible source of our spiritual world, penetrating into the depths of history and filling it with the source of art.

Language is given to every person with mother’s milk. Language is the pride of every country, nation. Education begins with language.