On September 22, Arkalyk Medical College organized a quiz contest on the topic “the state language is my language” in the library, dedicated to the Day of Languages, with the participation of students of the 192 group of the FCB.

The organizer of the competition is librarian Akhatova Aisulu Serikovna.

Purpose: formation of students’ sense of respect for the state language, education of morality, intelligence.

Motto: in this era, a person who does not know his language, literature, does not honor, is not a full-fledged intellectual.

September 22 is the holiday of the languages of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

25 students took part in the quiz “the state language is my language”. The students were divided into 2 groups. 1 group “experts”, 2 group “resourceful”. The contest consists of 5 stages: “baiga”, “Polyglot”, “proverbs about languages”, “try not to make a mistake”, “George”.

In our quiz contest “The State language is my language”, proverbs, sayings, tasks about many languages were performed. I express my gratitude to the students of the 192 group of the FCB for participating in today’s quiz contest “the state language is my language” two teams won friendship by scoring an equal number of points.
“Arkalyk Medical College”