At the initiative of the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency and the Department of education of Kostanay region, the next lesson on integrity on the theme “Akhmet Baitursynov-humanity and knowledge”is held among students of the 1st year.

State and public figure, member of the Alash party, educator, scientist, turkologist, poet and translator – Akhmet Baitursynov.

He sets a noble goal – to educate Kazakh children with all his might.

“In order not to lag behind others, we must be educated and strong. To get an education, you need to study,” he said.

The main goal of A. Baitursynov’s pedagogical activity is to educate the younger generation in an honest and hardworking, dedicated to the motherland, ready to continue the centuries – old traditions of the Kazakh people.

“Young people are the hope for a bright future of the people. The new generation should be in the hands of newly trained teachers